Grant Application


In honor of CL & Rachel Werner’s philanthropic values, the Foundation actively solicits proposals for programs that align with its mission statement and impact goals. Thoughtful consideration is given to each applicant. Organizations should give emphasis to whom the funds will benefit and how that will have a positive impact on their community. Grant Applications must be submitted through the Foundation website. Grant recipients must take a year off from applying after three successive years of Foundation support.

The Foundation will review grant requests on a quarterly basis in January, April, July and October. Windows to submit requests for consideration are as follows:

Application Dates Board Review & Funding
January 1st through February 28th April
April 1st through May 31st July
July 1st through August 31st October
October 1st through November 30th January

Required Submission Documents:

  • 501(c)(3) Confirmation Letter

  • Most Recent Form 990

  • Itemized Project Budget (if applicable)

  • Current Financial Statement

  • Impact Letter setting forth how the grant funds will benefit the organization

  • Any other documents relevant to the grant request

  • All Required Submission Documents should be emailed to Sara Kucera, Grant Coordinator, at Grants will not be considered until all documents have been received.